Play It Forward

The students served by Oklahoma Youth Orchestras are learning new musical skills every week as they prepare for challenging and entertaining concerts for the community with their musical peers from across the metro, under the direction of our fantastic Artistic Staff.
But that’s not all – in addition to providing musical instruction and experiences, we are developing the next generation of civic and arts leaders. Gaining life skills of creative problem solving and communication; performing free concerts for communities in need; volunteering at the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma and other service learning opportunities, and choosing to serve on the Student Leadership Council where students gain experience with group strategies and public speaking; our students know how to Play It Forward – to use their knowledge, skills, and dedication to make the world a better place.

In addition to lifting up their communities through music, our students also Play It Forward by partnering with other nonprofits and organizations to give back. In April, we partnered with the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma to host a Food Drive where our outstanding students and staff donated 130 pounds of canned and dry goods, providing 108 meals to Oklahomans in need.